52 (55) 5519-4083


Modelistica provides consulting services in the areas of urban, regional and transportation planning, integrated land use and transport modeling, transport logistics, geographic information systems, databases and surveys. The company operates from offices in Caracas, Venezuela, and Mexico City.v

Modelistica develops and supports the TRANUS. integrated land use and transport model.

Modelistica, a company owned by its workers, was incorporated in Venezuela in 1985 to provide consulting services in the areas of urban, regional and transportation planning, related software development, geographical information systems and surveys. Since then, the firm has participated in a large number of projects in many countries, becoming the Venezuelan company with the largest international experience in the area.  Modelistica developed the Integrated Land Use and Transport Modeling System TRANUS, the most advanced of its kind, with applications in countries of Latin America, USA, Europe and Asia.

Links to the left provide a more detailed description of the experience and services of the company, as well as the professional team. Worth noting are services related to the TRANUS system, such as support, consultancy and training.


Transport of phosphates in Táchira, Venezuela (2013-2014)

Location study and transport logistics for the production and processing of phosphates in the Eje Navai-Puerto Nutrias, Estado Táchira, with Tecnoconsult for Pequiven

High Speed Train México – Querétaro (December 2013 – February 2014)

Demand study and Cost Benefit analysis for the High Speed Train project between Mexico City and Querétaro. Client: Prointec, for the Secretary of Communications and Transport of Mexico

Hugo Chávez Park in Caracas, Venezuela (2013 – 2014)

Mobility study for the future Parque Hugo Chávez in La Rinconada, Caracas, for the Alcaldía Bolivariana Libertador, Caracas. Included the design of the road network, access, a BRT, ciclways ands pedestrians. A transport model of the area was developed.

Díaz Ordaz highway, México (November 2013 – February 2014)

Demand and feasibility study for the Díaz Ordaz highway, Km 0+000 to 57+400. Client: Morales Castañeda y Asociados SC for the Secretary of Communications and Transport of Mexico.

Cd. del Cármen – Campeche Highway (November 2013 – February 2014)

Demand and feasibility study for the Cd. del Carmen – Campeche highway, from Seybaplaya to Campeche. Client: Morales Castañeda y Asociados SC for the Secretary of Communiations and Transport of Mexico

Audit of Sistem III of the Mexibús Line: Chimalhuacán – Nezahualcóyotl – Pantitlán (2013)

Client: Banca Mifel, SA, Banca Múltiple Grupo Financiero Mifel, for the Secretary of Communications and Transport of México

Cicleways and BRT Corridors for Caracas, Venezuela (2014)

Planning and design with detailed engineering of two cicleways and two BRT corridors in Caracas, for the Alcaldía Bolivariana Libertador in Caracas, financed by CAF

Mobility Plan for Ciudad Bicentenariio Hidalgo, México (December 2012 – March 2013)

Design and Mobility Master Plan for the project Ciudad Bicentenario Hidalgo, using the METDUIS methodology. Client Grupo Naggar

Mobility Plan for the DUIS Region, Atotonilco de Tula, Hidalgo, México (December 2012 – march 2013)

Design and Mobility Master Plan for DUIS Region, Atotonilco de Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico. Client: Quma de Hifalgo SA de CV, Promotora de Viviendas Integrales SA de CV

Executive Project for a BRT Corridor in Puebla, Mexico (2013 – 2014)

Consulting services for the Executive Plan for the BRT Corridor in Av. 11 Norte Sur and 16 de Septiembre of the urban network of articulated buses in the city of Puebla. Client: CEMEX

Parking demand in Celaya, Guanajuato, México (April 2013 – June 2013)

Demand study for parking on and off road in the center of the city of Celaya, Guanajuato. Client: ETEISA

Urban Transport for Tecomán, México (November 2012 – November 2013)

Mobility and Urban Transport Study for the Metropolitan Region of Tecomán. Client: Ideemos, for the State of Colima

Transport Master Plan for the Faja Petrolífera del Orinoco (2011-2012)

This study was done for Petróleos de Venezuela (national oil company) as part of the Orinoco Socialist Plan. The purpose of the study was to propose a transport plan for freight and passengers, as well as the human settlements in the vast territory of the Faja Petrolífera del Orinoco (55,000 Km2). For the extraction of oil large volumes of materials must be transported, such as coking coal, sulfur, limestone, cement, equipments, building materials, and so on. The project identified the best strategy for the transportation of such materials, considering options such as roads, railroads or navigation. The project also recommended the optimal size and location of human settlements that will be required for the oil extraction and related industries. Transport systems for the working population were also be designed. Towards this, Modelistica developed a transport model for freight and passengers that covers the whole of Venezuela based on the TRANUS software.

Demanda del Corredor Bioceánico Aconcagua (2011-2012)

For the Corporación América (Argentina). The corporation is proposing a 52 Km tunnel to connect Chile and Argentina under the Andes mountains, to be built as a concession. Modelistica is in charge of developing the transport model that cover most of the territory of both countries to estimate future demand and elasticity with respect to the toll. The TRANUS system is being used. Currently a second stage in the development of the study is being made in association with the Chilean consulting CITRA.

Strategic urban transport plans for 6 cities in Mexico (2012)

Includes Ciudad Victoria, Nuevo Laredo, Durango, Campeche, Querétaro and Veracruz. For SEDESOL of Mexico. Work in progress.

National Transport Plan for water, air and land – Phases III y IV (2011)

Elaboración de un plan nacional de transporte de carga y pasajeros. Modelistica estuvo encargada de la estimación de la demanda futura y del transporte ferroviario, para lo cual desarrolló un modelo de transporte multimodal de cobertura nacional. Con el Consorcio PENT para el Ministerio de Transporte Terrestre de Venezuela.

Traffic study for Avenida Soublette, Estado Vargas, Venezuela (2011)

Stretch El Trebol – El Consul. For the Alcaldía del Municipio Vargas.

Traffic study in junctions, Estado Vargas, Venezuela (2011)

Included Av. La Armada and Av. El Ejército with access to La Zamora de Catia La Mar. For the Alcaldía del Municipio Vargas.

Electric power supply in Caracas, Venezuela (2010-2011)

Estimation of the demand for electricity (domestic and industrial/commercial) in Caracas and surrounding metropolitan region, for the Caracas Electricity Company. Includes the calibration of an integrated land use and transport model based on the TRANUS system with 640 zones and detailed land use and transport network. The model makes 25 year projections of population and employment, from which the future demand of electricity is derived.

Demand study for the Tinaco-Anaco railway project (2009-2010)

This study was made for the Chinese company CREC, in charge of developing the railway project for the State Railway Institute. A multimodal national transport model of Venezuela, based on the TRANUS system, was used to estimate the flows of freight and passengers of different types into the future. Scenarios with and without the railway project were developed to evaluate its effects and economic performance.

Demand study for the Encrucijada-Cúa railway project (2009)

This study was made for the Chinese complany CREC, in charge of developing the railway project for the State Railway Institute. A multimodal national transport model of Venezuela, based on the TRANUS system, was used to estimate the flows of freight and passengers of different types into the future. Scenarios with and without the railway project were developed to evaluate its effects and economic performance.

Urban transport plan for the Metropolitan Region of Caracas (2008-09)

This study was made for the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MOPVI – now MTC). The integrated land use and transport model developed for previous studies was used to simulate and evaluate a large number of transport projects, mostly related to bus-only corridors (BRT). Some highway projects were also evaluated.

Expansion Plan for the Urban-Regional Metro Network of Caracas (2008-09)

This study was made for the Metro Company of Caracas, and covered the entire Metropolitan Region. An integrated land use and transport model was developed for this study based on the TRANUS system, with detailed zoning and multimodal transport network. A large number of projects were simulated and evaluated throughout a 30 year period. Most of the projects were related to the Metro network. Based on the results of the projections, the best projects were selected and modeled as a ‘Recommended Scenario’.

Transport and traffic study in Maracaibo, Venezuela (2009)

Subcontracted by POINCI, the purpose of this study was to re-organize public transport routes and improve traffic management along the Las Delicias corridor in Maracaibo, Venezuela.

Traffic and road impact study of the Lider Shoping Center in Caracas (2009)

Classical transport and traffic impact study for a large shoping center, including a number of proposals to mitigate negative effects.

Metro Los Teques, Caracas (2008)

Demand study for the extension of the Caracas-Los Teques Metro Line. For the Consorcio Metro Los Teques (now part of the Caracas Metro Company). The study included a home-based travel survey and the develoment of a land use and transport model for the entire Metropolitan Region of Caracas, based on the TRANUS system. Future demand estimates, as well as the effects on the local land use and real estate effects. Since this project was made, the first stage of the metro line began to operate. Model estimates were very close to actual ridership.

Transport and road development plan for Monterrey, México (2008)

Modelistica was responsible for the development of a TRANUS based integrated land use model of Monterrey, as a tool to support the Transport and Road Plan. This detailed model was calibrated and scenarios were estimated into the future. The work was done for the Government of the State of Nuevo León.

Ciudad Azteca-Tecámac BRT Corridor, Mexico (2008)

Transport estimates and Executive Project for the Ciudad Azteca-Tecámac BRT Corridor. For the Government of the State of Mexico, in asociation with Transconsult y Logitrans.

Indios Verdes-Tecámac BRT Corridor, México (2008)

Transport estimates and Executive Porject for the Indios Verdes-Tecámac Corridor. For the Government of the State of Mexico, in asociation with Transconsult y Logitrans.

Traffic improvements in Lecherías, Venezuela (2007)

Organization and traffic improvements for Lechería, State of Anzoátegui, Venezuela. The study included traffic surveys and the design of physical and management initiatives to improve traffic flows throughout the study area.

Demand Study for a Second Caracas-La Guaira Highway (2007)

With the consortium RGR-Somelca, the study was done for the Ministry of Infrastructure of Venezuela. A home-based travel survey was made in teh Litoral area, together with a number of mechanical and classified traffic counts. An integrated land use and transport model based on the TRANUS system was developed for the whole of the Metropolitan Region of Caracas. Demand estimates were made with and without the second highway. Detailed evaluation of the impact of the proposed highway in exisiting urban areas. Traffic management proposals to improve flows.
National Transport Plan of Venezuela – Phases I and II (2007)
For this study a consortium was organized with several consulting firms: INCOSTAS, INSURBECA, Modelistica, Calzadilla, Pardo, Sully e INECO. For the Ministry of Infrastructure of Venezuela. The study included all freight and passenger modes. Modelistica was in charge of the development of a GIS database for the multimodal national transport network, and of making mechanical and classified traffic counts, as well as origin-destination surveys. Modelistica also developed and calibrated a a multimodal national model at national level, based on the TRANUS system.

National Transport Strategy for Venezuela (2006)

For the Ministry of Planning and Development of Venezuela. Included mechanical and classified counts, and origin-destination surveys in 20 stations throughout the territory. Development of a GIS database of the highways and on-going projects A TRANUS based model was calibrated and used for short-term projections to estimate the economic returns of a list of road projects.

Transport Plan for São Paulo in Brazil (2006)

As part of the Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan (PITU) for the São Paulo Metropolitan Region. With the engineering company SETEPLA, for the Transport Department of the State of São Sao Paulo, Brazil. Development of a land use and transport model based on TRANUS with projections based on a variety of scenarios to provide support to the Plan for 2025.

Transport Plan for Campinas in Brazil (2006)

As part of the Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan (PITU) for the Metropolitan Area of Campinas. With the engineering company SISTRAN, for the Transport Department of the State of São Sao Paulo, Brazil. Development of a land use and transport model based on TRANUS with projections based on a variety of scenarios to provide support to the Plan for 2025.

Transport Plan for Recife in Brasil (2006)

As part of the Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan (PITU) for the Metropolitan Area of Recife. With the engineering company TTC, for the Transport Department of the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Development of a land use and transport model based on TRANUS with projections based on a variety of scenarios to provide support to the Plan for 2025.

Home-based Travel Survey Caracas 2005 (2005-06)

Mobility study for the Alcaldía Metropolitana de Caracas, Venezuela. 15 thousand households were interviewed in the whole of Caracas to measure transport and mobility. The field work, carried out in record time, transcription and analysis was done directly by Modelistica, using optical readers and special software developed by the company.

Integrated Public Transport Network for Mérida, Venezuela (2006)

Planning and conceptual design of an integrated public transport network for the Metropolitan Area of Mérida, based on BRT corridors. A first part of such network is already operating with troleybuses, and the concept is that this should be complemented with other corridors based on conventional buses. A home-based travel survey was made and used to calibrate an integrated land use and transport model based on TRANUS.

Llanos Centrales Highway, Venezuela (2005)

Demand study for the future Llanos Centrales highway. For FONTUR – Ministry of Infrastruture, Venezuela. Modeling and demand estimates based of origin-destination surveys with the TRANUS system, for this projected 450 Km highway. Design guidelines, recommendations and priorities to establish an investment schedule.

Mass Transit for Maracaibo, Venezuela (2005)

Development strategy for the Integrated Mass Transit System for the Maracaibo Metropolitan Area. For the Metro of Maracaibo (Metromara), Venezuela. The TRANUS system was used for the simulation and evaluation of several scenarios of the future development of the Metro integrated with bus corridors. Included conceptual engineering, finantial analysis and management and operating strategies. Since this study was completed, a first phase of the metro entered operation. The results of the model in terms of ridership were very close to reality.

Mexico City (2003-2004)

Modelistica participated in two projects in Mexico City between 2003 and 2004. The first was a demand study and detailed engineering design of an exclusive BRTcalled Eje 8, of about 26 Km long. The second was the financial evaluation of both the Eje 8 and Insurgentes busways. In both cases extensive use of the TRANUS model was made. As part of this last study, detailed estimates of emmissions were made based on the model by contract with the World Bank, adding specific tools to the model interface.
An interesting point is that about a year after the demand study was completed, the Insurgentes BRT went into operation. It was thus possible to verify that model estimates were very close to what happened in reality.

Implementation of Line 1 of the Metro of Maracaibo, Venezuela (2003)

Implementation Study for the first line of the metro, currently under construction in Maracaibo with a first phase in operation. This included the development of a GIS database and detailed land use and transport model based on TRANUS. Several scenarios were analyzed and evaluated.

Caracas, Venezuela (2003)

Transport Impact Study for Face I of the Rental Zone of the Central University of Venezuela. Modeling transport with TRANUS and traffic with Synchro. Study of alternatives. For the Fundación Andrés Bello – UCV.

Barcelona-Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela (2002-2003)

Master Transport Plan for the Barcelona-Puerto La Cruz urban area, the most important in the East of Venezuela. The project was made between 2002 and 2003 and included a short-term plan with immediate actions, and a strategic plan for the medium and long term. An innovative proposal for the development of an integrated transit network was elaborated in full detail.

Maracay, Venezuela (2001-2002)

Master Transport Plan for the Maracay Metropolitan Area, an important city in the center of Venezuela. The project was made between 2001 and 2002 and included a short-term plan with immediate actions, and a strategic plan for the medium and long term.

Valencia, Venezuela (2000-2002)

Master Transport for the Valencia Metropolitan Area, a large city in the center of Venezuela. The project was made between 2000 and 2001. Modelistica took charge of the development of a GIS database and a detailed land use and transport model based on TRANUS. Later Modelistica carried out a study in 2002 for the expansion of the metro, currently under construction. Also in 2002 Modelistica participated in the demand study and economic and financial evaluation of the Pocaterra Highway, a toll road still at a planning stage.

Bogota, Colombia (2001-2002)

Support to the Urban Development Plan of Bogota, Colombia, for the Departamento Administrativo de Planeación Distrital (urban planning office). Included the complete simulation with TRANUS of land use and transport, and the analysis of future scenarios with a variety of urban policies and transport projects. This included demand estimates for the Transmilenio BRT network. After ten years of operation, model results were very close to reality.

Inverness, Scotland (2000)

Development of an integrated land use and transport model with TRANUS for the Inverness and the Inner Morrey Firth Area in Scotland, with Rickaby Thompson Associates (UK) for the Highland Council.

Spain (2000)

Advice and training to the firm TYPSA for the ex-post evaluation of the effects of the high-speed train Madrid-Seville (AVE). For RENFE. Development of a TRANUS-based model of the whole of Spain, including highways, railways and air links.

Europe (2000)

Advice to the PROPOLIS project of the Eurepean Community, with the University College London and the Belgian firm STRATEC. Development of a detailed evaluation procedure for the interactive evaluation of urban plans through Internet, based on the TRANUS modeling system.

Bogota, Colombia (1999-2000)

Demand study of the Avenida Longitudinal de Occidente in Bogotá, a proposed toll highway, with INGETEC for the Instituto de Desarrollo Urbano – Alcaldía de Bogota, Colombia. Analysis and evaluation of options for the highway to be operated as a toll-based concession.

Demand Study for the Metro of Bogota, Colombia. With Cal y Mayor, for the Instituto de Desarrollo Urbano – Alcaldía Mayor de Bogota. General direction of the study and development of the TRANUS-based model. 24 scenarios were simulated and evaluated into the future, including a bus-only lanes network (Transmilenio, currently in operation) and a possible first metro line.

Buenos Aires, Argentine (1999)

Urban Renewal Study for the areas of Cuencas Baja and Media in Buenos Aires. TRANUS-based simulation and evaluation of transport projects to recuperate the area enclosed by rivers Matanza and Riachuelo, incorporating them into the urban structure of the city. For the Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo with the Interamerican Development Bank.

Valencia, Spain (1999)

Development of a TRANUS integrated land use and transport model for the metropolitan area of Valencia. Support to the firm TEMA, for the Ayuntamiento de Valencia. A very detailed model of the complex transport system of Valencia, including buses, metro, trains, suburban trains and others.

Swindon, England (1998)

Development of an integrated land use and transport study with TRANUS for Swindon. Joint research with The Open University and Manchester University, financed by the EPSRC. Emphasis on the evaluation of alternative urban plans from economic, energetic and environmental points of view.

Baltimore, USA (1998)

Development of a TRANUS integrated land use and transport model for the Metropolitan Region of Baltimore. For the Baltimore Metropolitan Council. Detailed modeling of the transport system, activity location and the real estate market. Projections into the future.

Oregon, USA (1998)

Advice and consultancy in the development of a TRANUS model of the State of Oregon. For the Oregon Department of Transport, in collaboration with Parsons Brinckerhoff. Modeling of the location of activities and the multimodal passengers and freight transport system at a state level, including very detailed input-output accounting.

Panama City, Panama (1998)

Integrated land use and transport study for the Metropolitan Area of Panama, for the Ministry of Public Works, with the Swiss firm Renardet. Included the development of a TRANUS model and and extensive training program to the professional staff of MOP.

Paraguay (1998)

Support to the Spanish firm TEMA in the development of a TRANUS model of the national transport system of Paraguay. For the Ministry of Public Works with financement of Cooperación Española.

Bogota, Colombia (1997)

Strategic land use and transport study for the city of Bogota to assess the feasibility of a mass transport system. With the French firm Systra and the Colombian INGETEC. Modeling excercise of alternative configurations with the TRANUS system.

Brussels, Belgium (1997)

Advice and support to STRATEC in the development of a TRANUS-based model of the metropolitan area of Brussels. Included the urban and regional multimodal transport system with buses, metro, trams, trains, etc. Simulation of future scenarios. The results were used to the definition of the IRIS Plan.

Lyon, France (1997)

Support and training to CERTU, the research institute, in the development of a TRANUS model for the city of Lyon. Activity location, land uses and the transport system with metro, buses and railways.

Sacramento, USA (1996)

Development of a TRANUS integrated land use and transport model for the Sacramento Metropolitan Region, with the University of California – Davies. Simulation of future scenarios including the expansion of the light rail system, park-and-ride and HOV lanes.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (1995)

Master Urban Transport Plan. With the Canadian firm DELCAN for the city government. Development of a TRANUS model to reorganize the public transport system and assess the feasibility of a mass transport system.

Guatemala (1995)

National Transport Plan of Guatemala. Development of a TRANUS model for the future travel demand of passengers and freight. Simulation of several future scenarios with economic evaluation of highway projects, toll roads and the definition of the privatization of the railway system. With the German firm Goppa Consultants for the governmetn of Guatemala and the World Bank.

Maracaibo, Venezuela (1995)

Public Transport Master Plan. Simulation with TRANUS of several options with both conventional and rail mass transport. For Metro de Maracaibo C.A., METROMARA.

El Salvador (1994)

National Transport Plan with a TRANUS multimodal simulation of freight and passengers and economic evaluation of future options. With Frederic Harris for the government of El Salvador.

Valencia, Venezuela (1994)

Economic evaluation and feasibility study of a Mass Transit System and the effect on the urban area. Alternative scenarios simulated with TRANUS that led to a recommendation that is currently under construction. For C.A. Metro de Valencia, Valmetro.

Guanajuato, Mexico (1994)

Master Transport Plan including roads and public transport. With the Mexican firm PROCAD for the Government of Guanajuato.

Maracaibo, Venezuela (1994)

Feasibility study for a mass transit system. Development of a complete database including household survey and a TRANUS model. For Metro de Maracaibo C. A., METROMARA

Maracay, Venezuela (1993)

Strategic Transport Study with emphasis on the reorganization of the public transport system. For the Transport Commision of the State Government and the local municipality.

Orinoco-Apure, Venezuela (1993)

Development and installation of a TRANUS model of Venezuela with passengers and freight for the Orinoco and Apure rivers Program. For the Ministry of the Environment.

Venezuela (1992)

Demand study and economic evaluation of national-level proposals of highways, railways and waterways with the TRANUS model as part of the National Transport Study of Venezuela. For the Ministry of Transport and The World Bank with the Consortium OTEPI-NOUEL-TAMS.

Valencia, Venezuela (1992)

Demand study and physical definition of a Mass Transit System, for C.A. Metro de Valencia. Using the TRANUS model many combinations of technologies, layouts and feeder systems were tested and evaluated. The recommended scenario is currently under construction.

Caracas-Puerto Cabello, Venezuela (1992)

Evaluation of Alternative Railway Systems between Caracas and Puerto Cabello, for the Ministry of Transport and The World Bank with the Canadian firm DELCAN and the local Grupo AM.

South-West Railway, Venezuela (1992)

Demand and feasibility study for the railway project, with the firm OTEPI of Venezuela and the Spanish firm INECO, for the Corporación Venezolana del Suroeste-CVS.

Venezuela (1991)

Feasibility studies and economic and financial evaluation of five different highway project to be operated as private concessions. For the Ministry of Transport.

Madrid, Spain (1989-1990)

Development of MECSA, a consulting firm in Madrid. The directors of Modelistica were contracted to form the company and train the staff. Several studies were carried out: feasibility and demand study of a railway in San Sebastian, the urban plan of Bilbao, planning of a Technical Park in Malaga, and others.

Venezuela (1987-88)

Freight and passengers modeling of the national transport system for the development of a National Railway Plan. For the Instituto Autónomo de Ferrocarriles del Estado, IAFE

Demand and economic evaluation of a plan to operate several highways as private concessions. For the Ministry of Transport and the IDB.

Caracas (1987)

Demand study with the TRANUS model for the extension of Line 2 of the metro to the area of Los Teques. For the C.A. Metro de Caracas.

La Victoria, Venezuela (1986)

Urban Development Plan with TRANUS-based modeling support. For the Ministry of Urban Development.

Curaçao (1985)

Urban Development Plan for Willemstad, for the Development Planning Unit. The first practical application of TRANUS.

Great Britain (1985)

Evaluation of energy consumption in urban regions, with The Open University. TRANUS and other specially developed tools were used in this project.