52 (55) 5519-4083


We provide you with a list of different groups and consulting companies that provide support related to Tranus modelling system. Likewise, links to research groups or individuals are provided, in relation to the tool, in a higher or lower degree.

Modelistica México y Venezuela

Group who developed the TRANUS modelling system, from the beggining, in the 80’s. Currently, several levels of support, consulting services and training are offered in relation to Tranus, in both Venezuela and Mexico and any other country. The company also offers a certified version of the system, which includes a formal support guarantee for a year.

Go to http://www.modelistica.com.mx or write us to info@modelistica.com.mx

Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (UTP)

This major university in Panamá has a group of professors in the urban and trasnportation planning field. Town planner, Ana Morais, member of the UTP, has 20 years of experience in the use of Tranus. She worked in several projects with modelistica in Venezuela and other countries.

Contact: Ana Morais ana.morais@utp.ac.pa and moraisilva@cwpanama.net

Stratec – Bélgica, Francia

Consulting company located at Brussels with a wide experience in the use of the Tranus modelling system, which provides support and consulting services.


SISTRAN – Brasil

It counts on a work team trained on the use of the Tranus modelling system, as a result of the Strategic Plan for Campinas, in the state of Sao Paulo. The team created by this company is able to provide support, consultancy and training on the system.

Contacto: Jaime Waisman sistran@sistransp.com.br


TEMA – España

Company specialized in the transport and traffic areas, located at Madrid, with extensive experience in the use of the Tranus modelling system, which has been applied in several analysis. http://www.temagc.com and http://www.temagc.com/tranus/tranus.htm

TTC – Brasil

Prestigious consulting company specialized in the transport planning field in Brazil, with extensive experience in Latin America. The company is in great condition to offer support, consulting and training services related to the Tranus system.



CITRA – Chile

Consulting company specialized in transport, roads and traffic planning, using the Tranus modelling system in several projects. The CEO, Tristán Gálvez, is a partner consultant of modelistica.

Contact: Tristán Gálvez tristan@citra.cl


SETEPLA – Brasil

The company created a work team around the Tranus modelling system, as a result of the Strategic Plan Project of Sao Paulo PITU 2025 project. The team is highly qualified to provide support, consultancy and training.

Contact: Carlos Viani cav@setepla.com.br