52 (55) 5519-4083

In a previous note it was described that the Consortium RGR-Somelca, in which Modelistica participates, won the competition to design a second highway between Caracas and the Port of La Guaira. Work on the project started exactly one year after the competition was awarded. During this period the most notable event that took place was the colapse of the main bridge of the existing highway. This has caused great hazard to users of the road, including access to the airport and port, forcing the use of a contingency road while a new bridge is being built. With this, the second highway concept is even more relevant and much emphasis has been given to the fact that it should follow a completely independent layout with respect to the existing road. In this project Modelistica wil develop a socioeconomic, land use and transport database of the whole Capital Region, including Caracas and several other satelite areas. Modelistica will also carry out a home-based survey and a number of traffic counts, which will help in the calibration of a TRANUS application to the area. The model will be used to make projections and to study the impact of the highway upon the surrounding urban areas. Analysis will be complemented by traffic simulations using Synchro.