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The studies of Sao Paulo nad Campinas en Brazil, referred to in a previous note, were completed very successfully. In both cases the purpose of the study was the formulation of a Transport Strategic Plan called PITU 2005. The study of Sao Paulo was carried out by the Fundaçao para Pesquisa Ambiental (Environmental Research Foundation) with the collaboration of SETEPLA. The study of Campinas was made by the firm SISTRAN. In both cases Modelistica participated as advisors. These studies, particularly the Sao Paulo one, represented a real challenge for the TRANUS modeling system, given the magnitude and complexity of the study area. In addition, a large number of scenarios were tested to provide proper support to the PITU. Currently a second stage of the study is being negotiated, with emphasis on urban renewal and housing plans. All of this has been possible thanks to capacity and dedication of the professional teams of SETEPLA and SISTRAN, to whom Modelistica congratulates most sincerely.